Ignatian Week Retreat

The Ignatian Week at Knock has been running successfully since it began in 2016. Ignatian Week ( Jesuit Week) takes place from Sunday, 28 July to Sunday, 04 August 2024.

“God, where are you?”

Finding Hope in Our Fragile World

Ignatian Week Retreat 2024

The 2024 Ignatian Week at Knock, which has been running successfully since 2016, commences on Sun 28 July at 7.30pm in the Parish Church and concludes on Sun 04 Aug with 12 noon Mass in the Basilica.

  • The week can serve as a retreat with spiritual direction available on request.
  • You may not be able to attend for the entire week, but you are welcome to come as you can.
  • Parts of each day will live streamed and there will be an opportunity for online discussion and sharing each day via Zoom – Click Here to Register

Click here for Live stream


Sunday, 28 July:

Retreat opening in the Parish Church at 7.30pm


Monday, 29 July to Saturday, 03 August:

All events in Knock Prayer Centre unless otherwise stated


09.30: Introduction to the day (Streamed live online)

09.40 : Opening Prayer (Streamed live online)

10.00:  Morning Talk (Streamed live online)

10.25:  Personal Time
One-to-One Spiritual Direction will be available during this period

11.15 – 11.45: Facilitated Discussion (Zoom Also Available)

12.00 – 12.45 Eucharist


13.00 – Personal Time

One-to-One Spiritual Direction will be available during this period

16.00 – 16.45 : Ignatian Prayer and Share (Zoom Also Available)


17.00 Personal Time

One-to-One Spiritual Direction will be available during this time

20.30 – 21.00 Facilitated Examen


20.45 – 21.00 Examen  in the Apparition Chapel (Streamed live online


Sunday, 04 August:

09.30: Introduction (Streamed Live Online)

09.40: Morning Prayer (Streamed Live Online)

10.00: Harvesting the Fruits: Reflecting on the benefits of your retreat (Streamed Live Online)

10.25:  Personal Time
One-to-One Spiritual Direction will be available during this period

11.15 – 11.45: Harvesting the Fruits – Continued (Zoom Option Available)

12.00 – 12.45: Eucharist

Ignatian Week Daily Themes & Speakers

Introduction / Setting the Scene

  • Brian Grogan SJ

(What are) Our Hopes and Dreams (Eph 3:20)

  • Sean O’ Ruairc

Hope for our Future (Jer 29:11)

  • Siobhan Murphy

Jesus: Anchor of our Hope (Hb 6:19)

  • Savina Donohoe

In Jesus our Hope of Resurrection Dawns (Liturgy Preface)

  • Rosemary Gallagher

Eucharist Constantly Renews our Hope (Lk 22:15)

  • Colette McCarthy

From Dust to Glory: Nothing is Lost! (Rom 8:20; Jn 6:12)

  •  Brian Grogan SJ

Sunday Eucharist: Harvesting Hope

  • Charlie Davy SJ

One-To-One Spiritual Direction appointments will be available throughout the retreat, please contact:




No booking or registration required (except zoom). The event is free of charge but donations to Knock Shrine are welcome. The event can serve as a personal retreat for the week or you may simply join any session throughout the week.

Make A Donation