Key Places to visit

Key Places to visit
The new ‘Creation Walk’ at Knock Shrine weaves its way through the meandering pathways that have been newly developed throughout the mature grounds at Knock Shrine. The self-guided prayerful walk consists of 30 stops that explain the evolution of our planet. Along these leafy pathways, there are opportunities to stop and prayerfully reflect on God’s Creation.
This new walk has been created under the guidance of Fr Brian Grogan SJ and is based on his book: “Creation Walk – The Amazing Story Of A Small Blue Planet”. Fr Brian is a former President of Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy, Dublin, and is Emeritus Associate Professor of Spirituality. He is also co-founder of the Prayer Centre at Knock Shrine.
The walk is approximately 0.5km in length and commences at the car park at Knock Museum.
Step away for a while from the busy schedule of daily life and take some time for peace and calm. As you wander through meandering pathways, fragrant flower beds and manicured lawns often lead to quiet spaces in which to sit, to reflect and to pray in the presence of God. With each changing season, as the light and shade change, spectacular colour palettes are revealed and offer the opportunity to contemplate the wonder of God’s creation.
Many trees have been planted around the Shrine grounds and gardens to mark a special occasion or for individuals who have a special association with Knock.
Monsignor Joseph Quinn, P.P., Knock Shrine, 2002-2011
A Beech Tree was planted to remember Monsignor Joseph Quinn, P. P., Knock. This tree was planted to mark his first year as Parish Priest at Knock.
Father Joe Taaffe
A Yew tree was planted to remember the late Fr. Joe Taaffe, originally from Eden in Knock, Fr. Taaffe became the Spiritual Director of the Irish Welfare and Information Centre in Birmingham. He ministered in Birmingham for and became renowned for his work with underprivileged Irish emigrants.
Witness to Hope Tree
100 Masses for the Holy Souls, FR. Richard Gibbons, Rector, Knock Shrine
An Oak tree was planted as a reminder of this wonderful initiative, which commemorates the 100 Masses offered by Archdeacon Cavanagh in 1879. One Mass was offered by Fr. Richard each day from 14th May-21st August 2014.
Rose Garden
In May 2011, one hundred roses were planted to mark what would have been the 100th birthday of Monsignor Horan, known as ‘The Builder of Knock’.