
‘Leading Public Prayer’ Workshops

Would you like to learn more about leading public prayer in your Parish?

Have you ever wondered what would happen if next Sunday morning a priest in a parish was suddenly taken ill and unable to celebrate Mass with his community? What would people do when they arrived at the Church and discovered there was no priest to celebrate Mass? Would they simply go home or drive to the parish down the road? What would happen in a country parish where the next Church might be ten miles away? Most parishes in the diocese, especially those outside the city, are now served by a single priest.

‘Leading God’s People in Prayer’  training evenings with Mary Connolly will help participants in leading public prayer in their local church. These evenings will focus on ‘It is Good for Us to be Here’, a resource published in 2015 by the National Centre for Liturgy, is a guide  to how the Community of Faith can gather together to pray on a weekday when the celebration of the Eucharist is not possible.

These training and formation evenings will introduce lay people to Chapter 8 of this resource entitled “Leading God’s People in Prayer.” These two evenings will help participants in leading public prayer in their local church.

Those wishing to participate need to complete the booking form which is available on the Knock Shrine website (, or from their local parish. 

Part 1: 6 March

Part 2: 13th March

Time: 8.00pm – 10.00pm

 Venue: Knock House Hotel

Presenter: Mary Connolly, MA in Liturgy Studies and member of the National Council for Liturgy.

Cost: €10 to cover both nights.