National Novena To Our Lady of Knock 2024

National Novena To Our Lady of Knock 2024
‘Hope for a changing Church’
Dr. Austen Ivereigh
3pm & 8pm
Dr Austen Ivereigh is a British writer and journalist known for his two biographies of Pope Francis, as well as Let Us Dream (2020), a bestselling book written in collaboration with him. His most recent book, published this year, is First Belong to God: On Retreat with Pope Francis (Messenger), an eight-day Ignatian retreat drawn from the Pope’s writings and talks as a spiritual director. He is Fellow in Contemporary Church History at the Jesuit-run Campion Hall, University of Oxford, and a theological expert at the assemblies in Rome of the current synod
Thursday, 15 August:
‘Keeping Mary close’
Fr. Richard Leonard
3pm & 8pm
Friday, 16 August:
‘Mission Possible’
Toni Pyke
3pm & 8pm
Saturday, 17 August:
‘Mary, Model of Eucharistic Prayer’
Msgr Kevin Gillespie
Monsignor Kevin Gillespie serves as Diocesan Administrator of the diocese of Raphoe, which is awaiting the appointment of a new Bishop. A native of Gaoth Dobhair, Co. Donegal, Monsignor Gillespie also continues as Administrator of St. Eunan’s Cathedral, Letterkenny. Previously he served as an official of the Congregation for Clergy, Rome, during which time he assisted in the papal liturgies as a master of ceremonies to both Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis.
‘To Sing is to Pray Twice’
Donna Taggart
‘Praying the Mysteries of Creation’
Bishop Kevin Doran
Bishop Kevin Doran is Bishop of Elphin and Apostolic Administrator of Achonry. He serves as Chairperson of the Council for Life of the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference. He is also Chair of the Committee for Theology and a member of the Council for Justice and Peace and the Council for Doctrine. He represents the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference at the Anscombe Bioethics Centre (Oxford) and is the liaison between the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference and Irish pro-life groups.
‘Pilgrimage: A Walk with God’
Judith King
‘Everything starts from a prayer’
Sr Orla Treacy
3pm & 8pm
Sr Orla Treacy is a Loreto Sister from Bray, Co. Wicklow. After living and working in various parts of Ireland, Orla volunteered in 2006 to join a new mission in Rumbek, South Sudan. Today, Orla is the Director of a girls boarding secondary school, a primary school for boys and girls, and a child centre clinic. Orla studied at Mater Dei Institute of Education, furthered her education with a Master’s from DCU and Manchester University, and holds a Doctorate in the field of Missiology. She has received numerous awards, including the Distinguished Service Award for Irish Abroad.
‘With Due Respect’
Fr Michael Mc Cullagh CM
3pm & 8pm
Fr Michael McCullagh CM is a priest of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians). His ministries have included teaching, prison ministry, parish ministry, ministry with the Traveller community and spiritual direction in Britain, USA and Ethiopia and in St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth. He is currently based at Knock Shrine with his Vincentian colleague, Fr. Aidan Galvin, CM. They provide ‘A Listening Heart Ministry’ – a support ministry to priests programme. He is the author of ‘With Due Respect – Taking A Second Look At God, At Self, At Others’.
‘Prayer: Discovering the extraordinary in the ordinary.’
Dr Gráinne Doherty
Dr Gráinne Doherty works in pastoral ministry, retreat leadership, adult faith formation, and facilitation. Prior to becoming self-employed, Gráinne was part of the Theology department in All Hallows College (Dublin) for many years, while also working in pastoral leadership at both parish and diocesan level. Her Veritas publication “Joy of Love: A Family Perspective” (2018) is a book of spiritual reflections and prayers which situates the writings of Pope Francis in the reality of family experience today.
‘Why is God so silent?’
Fr Jos Moons
3pm & 8pm
Jos Moons is a Jesuit priest who works as a lecturer at KU Leuven (Belgium). After he focused in his doctoral work on the Second Vatican Council’s view of the Holy Spirit, he now explores how to build up a more inclusive and participatory, synodal Church. Besides his academic work, he trains people in spiritual direction. He published amongst others, “The Art of Spiritual Direction: A Guide to Ignatian Practice” and a much-read article “A Comprehensive Introduction to Synodality: Reconfiguring Ecclesiology and Ecclesial Practice”