
St Patrick’s Day at Knock

Join us for a special and joyous occasion at Knock Shrine  when we will remember our Patron Saint.


Masses will take place 9am, 10.30am (Parish Church), 12 noon and 3pm (Basilica). There will also be a Mass at 7.30pm on Thursday 16th in the Parish Church.

The 12 noon Mass will be a special celebration with Music, Dance and Traditional Irish Music. We look forward to welcoming all of our friends and parishioners.

While you are here, why not take a look at the beautiful sculpture of St Patrick located behind the Basilica. This statues, along with other exquisite representations of St Brendan and St Kevin were created by Canadian sculptor, Timothy P. Schmalz. Find out more about these sculptures here.

This truly historic depiction of St. Patrick captures the great man of this man with his Celtic goat-skin cloak, braided hair and beard, shamrock in hand, confidently crushing the snake with his staff, a simple branch of a tree.

