
World Day of The Sick 2020

Tuesday February 11th is World Day of the Sick.

To mark it , Pope Francis has a message of hope for all who are sick and for their carers.

‘To all who suffer in both body and soul remember what Jesus says “Come to me all you who are weary and I will give you rest.”
And he reminds us too that ‘at the side of every sick person, there is also a family, which also suffers and is in need of support and comfort.’

At 7.30pm on Tuesday evening there will be a special Mass at Knock Shrine to pray for all who are ill and their families. It will take place in the Parish Church. It will include the Anointing of the Sick. Family members, carers and friends are invited to be part of this special time of prayer and petition.

The names of those who are ill can be placed in the prayer box, which is at the back of the Church this weekend, and these will be presented at the beginning of the Mass. All are welcome to come along or to join us online.

Thanks to the Family Centre at Knock Shrine for organising this special evening.