Time: 10.30am
Location: Taize Room, Prayer Centre, Knock Shrine
Fee: 20 per person.
‘Seeing is Believing: Reflecting on Art as a Glimpse of the Sacred’
These illustrated lectures are designed to make sense of Art. Indeed Nora Donnelly hopes to help not only to make some sense of Art but to make new sense by attending to what we see just for its own sake. In this way she hopes to show that God is immanent and embedded in all things visual and that our world is charged with the wonder of His presence.
Lecture. 1 Saturday 9th December’
‘Regarding Mary; A Visual Inquiry into Images of the Virgin in Art’
Lecture. 2 Saturday 16th December
‘With Respect to Art; Looking at the Miracle that is Christmas’
About Nora Donnelly
Dr. Nora Donnelly is an Educator and Art Critic as well as an Artist. She has taught both at Primary and University levels and written extensively about the value of the experience of Art to humankind.